RAD Parenting Podcast

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (Supervisor) Tracey Turner MA. NC-MHCS BC-DMT, shares over 35 years of experience, insights, tips and strategies for families. Dr. Tracey specializes in working with patients diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder, (also known as RAD) and complex trauma along with PTSD.

Welcome to the podcast!

This show is intended to help people who care for children diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder.

The hostess, Tracey Turner MA. NC-MHCS BC-DMT, has 35 years of experience in helping biological, legal guardian, step, foster and adoptive families with difficult or challenging children to understand and transform dysfunctional behaviors, so they may experience joy in their lives and peace in their family relationships.

Episodes feature helpful tips about RAD, how to handle the children, and conversations with other parents and caretakers of RAD children.

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Parent Conversations with Tracey and Natalie

Parent Conversations with Tracey and Natalie    Parent Conversation on her experience with RAD in her children. Connect with Tracey: Visit https://www.fullcirclefamilycounseling.com/getting-started/ for more information or to schedule a consultation LinkedIn: Tracey Turner-Keyser  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fullcirclefamilycounseling/   **The information and advice […]


Why an Intensive Is Important – Part 1

Why an Intensive Is Important – Part 1    Tracey talks on why Intensive’s are important and how to know when you should do one. Connect with Tracey: Visit https://www.fullcirclefamilycounseling.com/getting-started/ for more information or to schedule a consultation LinkedIn: Tracey […]


The Intersection of Attachment Therapy and Internal Family Systems

The Intersection of Attachment Therapy and Internal Family Systems    Special guest Frank Anderson, MD joins us to talk about the activation of trauma for parents and the importance of addressing that in the therapy process. To learn more about […]


The Invisible String with Guest Dr. Dana Wyss

The Invisible String with Guest Dr. Dana Wyss    Join Tracey Turner, LCMHC-S as she chats with Dr. Dana Wyss about the Invisible String and how it can help children with RAD and Complex Developmental Trauma. Connect with Tracey: Visit […]


“Am I Unlovable”

“Am I Unlovable”    Tosha expressed her feelings of being unlovable because her birth parents couldn’t take care of her, but has grown up enough to realize that just because they couldn’t do that, that is not her fault. Understanding […]


Acknowledge, Validate and Redirect to Connect

Acknowledge, Validate and Redirect to Connect    Tracey Turner, LCHMC-S discusses the process of creating a boundary box and then Acknowledge, Validate and Redirect to Connect with your child in every scenario. Connect with Tracey: Visit https://www.fullcirclefamilycounseling.com/getting-started/ for more information […]


Residential Treatment Facilities – What’s It Like to Put Your Kid In One?

Residential Treatment Facilities – What’s It Like to Put Your Kid In One?    Tune in to this episode where 3 moms talk about their experiences and considerations with putting their reactive attachment disorder children into a residential treatment facility. […]


Ease Anxiety with Essential Oils with Guest Patti Hoyt

Ease Anxiety with Essential Oils with Guest Patti Hoyt    Guest Patti Hoyt joins us to talk about how essential oils can aid in relieving anxiety. Download her free stress toolkit:  Visit www.fullcirclefamilycounseling.com/store for information on products mentioned. Connect with Tracey: Visit […]


Give Your Kids Space to Tell the Truth

Give Your Kids Space to Tell the Truth    When you “catch your kid with their hand in the cookie jar,” their natural inclination is to lie. Tune in to this discussion with Tracey Turner, LCHMC-S and Paula Boyd, MS […]


Be a guest on the podcast

Do you want to be on the RAD Parenting Podcast? Do you have a question or tip you want to share? I'd love to have you on the podcast.

Message Tracey! Do you have a question, comment, idea, or review?

Adverse childhood events, developmental complex trauma, attention deficit disorder, sensory integration, difficulties, fetal alcohol syndrome, and anxiety and depression are many times, symptoms of reactive attachment disorder! Before all else fails, please reach out because your child will not outgrow their complex trauma. So,  the sooner you come in for help the better off, you will all be.