Family Counseling at Full Circle is a process whereby we facilitate the everyday routines of family life and help integrate new plans, new processes, and new strategies.

Family Counseling

Family Counseling at Full Circle is a process whereby we facilitate the everyday routines of family life and help integrate new plans, new processes, and new strategies.

If the primary client is a child then Family Counseling will be a necessary part of the child’s therapeutic process.

While there are times when serious issues need discussed and dealt with, we teach ways to communicate, to listen, to give, and to receive, all in a loving way.

Couples Counseling

It is critical for the well being of any family for the parents to be happy.

If they are not happy, then nobody is going to be happy!

Couples counseling brings both parents into the sessions together for open and honest growth and healing.

While there are times when serious issues need discussed and dealt with, we teach ways to communicate, to listen, to give, and to receive, all in a loving way.

Individual Counseling


Individual therapy at FCFC is a unique experience.

Individual therapy is built to address the individual’s hidden issues and therefore is a unique experience based on client needs.

Following a thorough evaluation Tracey will present a treatment plan designed to address priority issues first so that progress can be made for maximal healing.


Unlike typical (play) therapy, which is client-centered, individual child therapy at FCFC is more Therapist’s directed to create a safe container that allows the emotions connected to one’s complex trauma to not dictate the session; but rather to be expressed, processed, reframed, integrated and released.

With the given background and all the data that is gathered in the intake, a treatment plan is created that addresses the core issues and sources behind those issues.

Tracey with the parent’s involvement directs the client and family toward healing.

Tracey weaves movement (in the form of developmental movement patterns, calisthenics, yoga, mirroring, etc.) with opportunities to work on the emotional triggers, the behavioral and social, educational issues to address the source of those issues.

Movement Therapy has been shown to be a positive and sometimes necessary adjunct to therapy. It is also good for getting the blood flowing and clearing the mind so that cognitive and spiritual processes have maximal opportunity for success.

We also offer Family & Couples Counseling Here

Assessments (for children with
mal-attachment issues)

One-time assessments with the child and primary care giver are done during the first visit (sometimes this process may take 2-3 additional sessions).

The first meeting usually will take a couple of hours and when you come into the office the child is greeted with clear directives given to them.

This is diagnostic and sets up the tone of

‘in this office, you will be kept safe’

by clearly doing things our way to insure this safety physically and emotionally.

The assessment battery covers background of primary client and immediate family, medical review, review of all medications, and the Randolph Attachment Questionnaire.

Assessments typically lead to diagnosis or confirmation of diagnosis.

Certain individuals may present with co-morbid symptoms or medical issues that will necessitate a referral to a specialist.

**Crisis Minutes are always available 20 minutes for $30.00!

Intensive Therapy Plan for Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

Shortcomings of Traditional Therapy Methods

Behaviors associated with complex developmental trauma and attachment disruptions, unfortunately do not respond well to traditional therapy methods.

There are primarily two reasons for this:

(1)   The success of psycho-dynamic and play therapies are dependent upon a trusting relationship between therapist and child. A child with complex developmental trauma is not neurologically able to form trust of Self or of primary care givers and, therefore, traditional therapy will fail. In addition, these children function from a ‘survival model’ and are experts in delivering what adults expect of them.

Most traditional therapists are not able to provide the model of intervention needed to handle the destructive behaviors. These children may display terror and rage when held accountable to their ‘survival skills’ they use on well intended, but unsuspecting care-givers. This will often exacerbates the problem.

(2)   Traditional therapy is not conducive to the intensity, frequency, and immediacy required to reorganize the neurological developmental trauma, handle the defensive mechanisms and physiological triggered emotional reactions created from repeated early experiences of abuse, neglect, and chaos.

Intensive Treatment Plans Work Better

Children with complex developmental attachment disruptions are best served by an intensive treatment plan.

Children with complex developmental attachment disruptions are best served by an intensive treatment plan in which they are immersed in daily therapy with both a trained therapist and their parents for one to several weeks, followed by weekly or biweekly on-going sessions.

The intensive (and all therapy sessions) entails one or more of the following techniques:

  • Developmental movement therapy
  • Developmental re-parenting (parenting the child as if s/he were the age at the time the trauma occurred and the age the child seems emotionally equivalent to)
  • Behavioral Management (natural logical consequences)
  • Storytelling (reframe happier, more secure early childhood memories)
  • EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing that stops the rumination of negative feedback loops)
  • Psychodrama, (nonverbal physical role playing)
  • Cognitive Restructuring

All therapies occur within a nurturing, supportive, and safe environment with active parent participation.

The up-front expenses of nontraditional therapy are hefty. However, these therapies, unlike traditional therapies, do not drag on for years and years; long-term therapy can be very stressful for children and their families. Plus, a pro-active, front loading treatment plan conducted early in children’s development can stem a variety of future emotional and financial problems, and is more likely to prevent out of home placements.

getting started

getting started


Tracey Turner MA. NC- MHCS BC-DMT

I am available for teleconferencing via Telehealth through an encrypted, HIPAA-compliant software. For your own security!

Take advantage of the package rates. When you buy a package you may use them as needed within one year of purchase.


Teleconference rates:

1 x 50mins    $125.00

5 x 50mins    $550.00

10 x 50mins $1,000.00

Crisis Minutes are always available. 1 min for $1.00 up to 15 mins


In-Office Sessions:

Individual Therapy - 60 mins= $130.00, 5x = $600.00, 10x = $1,150.00 

Couples Therapy - 60 mins= $150.00, 5x =$700.00, 10x = $1,300.00

Family Therapy - 75 mins= $250.00, 5x = $1,150.00, 10x = $2,400.00

I also accept Insurance.

Intake Session/Diagnostic Evaluation for $300.00

Home Visit/Intensives for $250 per hour*

Mileage is $0.58 per mile

*Does not include travel expenses such as mileage, lodging, food or airfare.


If you have private insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna and United Healthcare and some branches of Tri-Care we will bill directly but client assumes all responsibilities for fair and just payment for services rendered. As a courtesy, we will provide you with a superbill for any out of network insurance companies so you may file the claim on your own behalf. All client co-pays and co-insurances, including deductibles, are due at time of service.

Unfortunately, we do not accept Medicaid for any state nor do we accept Medicare. Medicaid and Medicare clients will be charged at the time of service and provided with a statement they can submit for potential reimbursement.

Special note regarding Teleconferencing: Some insurance companies cover teleconferencing, and some do not. It will be your responsibility to confirm this either way. You will be responsible for payment at the beginning of each call.


You will receive your welcome packet and links to all intake forms after your initial consultation with Tracey.

Call to schedule a free 15 minute consultation: 919-263-4717 

Statement of Our Services

Prior to treatment you must be in agreement with all of the terms outlined herein. If you have any questions or hesitation we will arrange to meet with you in order to reach an agreement.

✔️  FCFC cannot guarantee any level of success in dealing with a particular client. Fees are therefore paid as consideration for the specialized therapeutic process and not for particular results for any client.

✔️   Full payment is due at the time services are rendered, unless otherwise arranged.

✔️   FCFC accepts cash, checks, PayPal and credit cards.

✔️   Some services (e.g. written reports, ceremony, camps, special groups, etc) may not be billed to insurances and will be the responsibility of the client.

✔️   Follow-up therapy is an essential part of treatment and may be provided by Full Circle Family Therapy or another qualified therapist.

✔️   Family Counseling –FCFC’s philosophy is that we treat families, not simply clients or children. It may be necessary to have individual and/or group sessions with caregivers, siblings, and extended family to ensure education and compliance of treatment plan and a team approach.

✔️   Unless cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, you may be charged for missed appointments at the cost of a full therapy session.

✔️   Most clients attend sessions once per week. Depending on the particular circumstances and need this schedule of visits may be altered.